Picateers aims to upset the near-monopoly on Picture Day at your local school. By recruiting photographers local to a school, often a parent, there is local control over how Picture Day is handled, where the pictures are taken, and how the students pose and dress. As a result, Picture Day is less like a factory floor, photographers can choose outdoor locations instead of indoors against a backdrop, and if the photographer has time, creative poses can be added to the standard ones. The page designs here are the retail store that allows parents to review photos and decide which ones to order.
The challenge here, for which I could not find a precedent, was that parents would be choosing from 1) Which products or portrait packages to buy; 2) each one linked to a particular photo pose; 3) of one of their possibly several children; 4) from one of several possible school years. A parent had to make at least two choices in order to "add to cart" which the client wanted to do without modes or wizards.

Even though a copyright notice is not required, here it is: Copyright © 2010 Leo Rigney.