Telecom Asset Management
Telecom Asset Management helps companies find and sell internet bandwidth. The company has terabytes of maps, usage data, and historical data -- the trick is to present it in digestible ways.
Original home page.
I was thrilled to see a page like this, a design from the earliest days of the web. I was skeptical when he said he wanted it to be "Zenlike" in its simplicity, considering the starting point, but I was game.
Home page redesign.
After a lot of soul-searching about really had to be on the home page, and what could be demoted to level 2 pages, I came up with this. I was able to clearly communicate the reason the client is in business, call out the audiences directly and direct them to the parts of the web site that would interest them.

Part of the project was to create a dashboard for logged-in users to see all their information and common tasks in one place.

A completely new map interface divided the toolbox into distinct modes (fixed point, point-to-point, and multiple locations) that were previously conflated. This allowed me to clarify and group related tasks. I clarified the controls at the left which allow the user both to see what different colors mean on the map but also to turn each one on and off depending on the information the user is seeking, without unduly cluttering the display.
Even though a copyright notice is not required, here it is: Copyright © 2010 Leo Rigney.